中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
Date: 19 September 2021 (register until 11 September 2021 with the registration form)
Time: 2pm to 5pm
Location: Kanzleistrasse 56, 8004 Zürich – Kanzbi, the only international library in Zurich for children’s books.
The full moon is revered in the Chinese culture as a symbol for peace and wealt
h as well as togetherness of the family. Finally, two years after our last Mid Autumn Festival, we are looking forward to celebrating this popular holiday again with all interested families in the center of Zurich. The following activities are going to take place:
- Storytelling of the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival (Chinese, German, English)
- Crafting of colorful and creative moon laterns
- Decorating paper dragons
- “Making” moon cakes with clay and tasting of Moon Cake (a traditional pastry for moon festival)
- Parent-Child obstacle-run/walk with laterns
Costs: Free for students of our school and their family members. Other families: CHF 30 per Familie (inkl. some soft drinks, snacks und crafting material and moon cakes). Each qualified donation of children’s books per family to the Kanzbi library will get a discount of CHF 10.
Covid prevention measures: Masks are obligatory for participants inside of the building who are 12 years or older. Further restrictions may apply (will be communicated before the event).
Wir wünschen schöne Festtage
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a spasso l’elefante
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Vorlesewettbewerb 2020
Der Vorlesewettbewerb findet dieses Jahr infolge Corona in einer neuen Form digital statt.
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- Suche einen Vers in deiner Muttersprache oder Zweitsprache.
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- Schicke die Aufnahme an info@kanzbi.ch mit deinem Namen, Alter, Sprache, ob Erstprache oder Zweitsprache und dem Text des Verses.
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Eine Jury wählt die besten Verse aus, welche im Rahmen der schweizerischen Erzählnacht hier auf unserer Internetseite veröffentlicht werden.
Einsendeschluss ist der Freitag, 6. November 2020.